First floor time of Summer2019 HL – new season, new location – time to get the stick worked in and the muscles unlocked. This year, for all but the last couple weeks of the season, we have been relocated to Nichols Arena.

Session #1 – Pickup Only

Wednesday April 17, 2019  8:00pm  –  10:00pm
Nichols Arena
799 Homeview Rd
London  ON N6C 5J4

To try to keep things organized the people that have already registered (all 33 so far) can show up to go on the floor at 8:00 and run as long as they want (or are able). Others, and you know who you are (!), please take the time to register at home, on the way or at the arena and plan to start subbing in around 9:00 or whenever the first group get tired (usually anytime after 8:45 is a good bet). Don’t forget to send ePayment to payment at londonmasterslacrosse.com. Should have 3 goalies available tonight so you may actually have to run instead of just playing half court!

Due to the slow registration so far, it looks like we will be doing pickup only for the first two (maybe even 3) weeks until we can get a good handle on who is actually going to be registering and playing this summer.

Hope to see most of you tonight.

P.S.     As usual, I am sending this same info to the email addresses that I have on record (last year’s participants and new registrations this year – if you don’t see the email, please check your spam folder and white list the sending address or contact me to see if we can fix the communication issues.





Well that was disappointing – physical registration at the Alibi last night – one (1!) person shows up for a beer and he had already registered….sigh…. As of this morning we have 26 registered – looks like we won’t be able to start games right from Day 1 because we can’t set teams because we don’t know who is planning on playing… oh well! – plan on 2 weeks of pickup at Nicholls as per usual summer startup. practice.

In any case tonight is the last night of WINTER2019 LAX at Silverwoods

WEDNESDAY APRIL 10, 2019 8:00pm – 10:00pm.
50 Sycamore St.
London, ON N5Z 1K7
(2nd ST West of Highbury on Trafalgar
Just NW of Highbury Trafalgar intersection)

Next floor time is Wednesday April 17, 2019 8:00 – 10:00pm at Nicholls Arena (new location!).

And again for SUMMER2019 HL – Please go to the HL Registration Page and fill in the information requested. Upon submission you should get an email copy of the registration form sent to the email address you entered. The registration fee for Summer2019 is still $175 and will cover both summer and, if available, winter 2019/2020 floor time. Please send an etfr of $175 to payment at londonmasterslacrosse.com as soon as convenient. If there are any issues with the registration process or you see any glaring errors please contact me at admin at londonmasterslacrosse.com

As per usual practice, I will be sending out an email duplicating this information today – if you don’t get it, please check your spam folder and whitelist the sender or contact me at admin at londonmasterslacrosse.com.

Face-to-Face Registration Tuesday April 9, 2019 7:00-10:00 ALIBI ROADHOUSE

It looks like a lot of you need the beer incentive to register…sooo.. tomorrow night – the 1st Face-to-Face LMHLL Registration for Summer2019

Tuesday April 9, 2019 7:00pm – 10:00pm

25 Oxford St W
London ON N6H 1R2

We’ll have a few tablets for you to register with but it is always easier to register from a keyboard at the website registration page (look to the left at the bottom of the menu bar.

Payment of $175 for the summer session is best done via etransfer to payment@londonmasterslacrosse.com but if you are still old school, bring enough cash on Tuesday to pay for lacrosse and your beverages.

See you tomorrow evening or on Wednesday for the last of the Silverwoods Winter sessions.