A bit of a slow start – a last minute goalie cancellation, some frantic texting and both early teams showing up (barely) at the last minute…. a typical summer evening for LMHLL! In the 1st game, both benches had mid season numbers (3-4 spares) but early season scoring capabilities. Scoring was notably absent, the 1st period ending with Team Dirka leading 1-0 (must have been the goalies!). The 2nd and 3rd periods were a bit more exciting with Team Lia tieing it up late in the 3rd and then scoring a buzzer beater goal to win the 1st game of the summer 8-7. In the late game, Team Sharley was short benched with only 4 runners but Team Jacquie was not much better off with only 6 runners. With a couple of recruits from the early game both teams were able to continue with the end result – a win for Team Sharley 9-6.  Week #1 is in the record books.

Next is Week #2 Wednesday May 15, 2019 Nichols Arena

Team Sharley  vs.  Team Dirka     8:00pm  –  9:00pm.

Team Jacquie  vs.  Team Lia     9:00pm  –  10:00pm.

There were some complaints that I hadn’t sent out an email reminder for last week’s game …sigh… too bad there wasn’t a “thing” where one could post information and schedules and rosters and updates so that anyone could access this information on an as required basis without having to worry about whether they are on the contact list or if their email client relegates lacrosse emails to the SPAM folder or….. Maybe somebody will invent some kind of “web” of information thing that would allow this sort of functionality…someday. I will send out one more mass email to remind registered players of Wednesday’s game but most future updates will be web only. If you don’t get an email reminder today or tomorrow please contact me at admin at londonmasterslacrosse.com so we can figure out any issues. Also, a reminder to those who have yet to pay – you know who you are! – please send an etfr of $175 to payment at londonmasterslacrosse.com. Thanks.

See you on the floor Wednesday.




Apparently last week’s turnout was pretty good for the last night of pickup lacrosse – wouldn’t have been enough for 4 teams – 2 games so we made the right call to defer the season start for 1 additional week. A few more registrations came in and once the provisional teams were done, all the procrastinators started to email – “I FORGOT! Is there still room? Can I register? Can I play tonight?” …sigh….  Yes people can still register and play …and PAY! A non-trivial portion of those that have registered have yet to get around to submitting payment….  you know who you are! Please forward $175 via eTfr to payment@londonmasterslacrosse.com. It is an automatic deposit email so you don’t have to worry about thinking (up a password or anything). Over 40 people have figured it out already – It shouldn’t be hard for YOU! – Don’t make me have to chase the deadbeats!

Anyway, Week #1 of the 2019 season is Wednesday May 8, 2019 Nichols Arena (for those not paying attention to previous posts note the change of venue!)

Team Dirka  vs.  Team Lia     8:00pm – 9:00pm.

Team Sharley  vs.  Team Jacquie     9:00pm – 10:00pm.

Preliminary rosters are posted and are changing as I add the procrastinators one by one. For now if you have just re-registered and I haven’t updated the rosters, assume you will be on the same team as last year. Remember that there will likely be some minor changes to provide competitive balance as more of the stragglers finally get around to registering and paying.

In any case – On with the show! 16 new players including 2 additional ladies! The quest for the 2019 CrystralBallofUsedTape award for LMHLL supremacy in 2019 starts tonight. See you on Wednesday evening for the start of another fun season of London Masters Lacrosse House League.
