As mentioned at the pick up games and after the entire registration process, we now have 31 officially registered and paid players. This is a difficult number to create 3 full teams because of common absences. No one enjoys showing up to play lacrosse with 7 or 8 players total. We did it today for the tournament travel team and our bodies won’t forgive us until next weekend, possibly longer. Even more so when players would need to run for 2 games / 2 hours under a 3 team setup.
With that said, we will have to go with a TWO TEAM format.
  • We play our 1st game this Wednesday, May 4th at Nichols Arena, Pad C, 8:00-9:00pm.
  • ALL registered and paid players should arrive around 7:30pm or earlier this Wednesday.
  • Click this link to confirm your team. http://www.londonmasterslacrosse.com/wordpress/rosters-2022
  • The season will still end on Wednesday, June 29th.
We will accommodate friend requests to start the first couple weeks but changes could be made to ensure evenly matched teams with fun back and forth lacrosse for all. Anybody could be traded at any given time for balance.
We are hoping the jerseys ordered for the season will arrive before this Wednesday. Just in case, please put both a ‘dark shirt’ and ‘light shirt’ in your equipment bag this week. We will hand out the jerseys based on best available sizing for each player.
We will have a referee and timekeeper this week and scores will be added to the website weekly.
As life returns to normal in the coming years, it is our goal to build the House League back up to 4 or more teams. I truly wish more people would have signed up this year but I also understand the many issues people are faced with at this time.
See you on Wednesday night.
For any questions, please contact me anytime.
Rob Ashmore  
London Masters Lacrosse


 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27th from 8:00pm to 10:00pm.
You will need;
  • Helmet with metal front cage and chin cup strap, gloves, lacrosse stick, running shoes. Wear any shorts.
  • Goalies, you know what to bring!
  • Shower Sandles and a Towel also come in handy.
  • Please bring both a ‘ANY DARK SHIRT’ and ‘LIGHT SHIRT WHITE / GRAY’ in your equipment bag. 
We will have a table setup near the door of PAD C to collect the remaining registration fees and help answer questions.
After that, find a change room, put on your stuff, and hit the floor for a fun warm up game of pickup lacrosse. Take it easy, I’m sure a good few of us will be coming out a little rusty and ragged. Avoid those pesky injuries.
We have opened up the registration page for ‘6’ more last minute interested players, these spaces are disappearing quickly.
All details are available on the Registration Page. http://www.londonmasterslacrosse.com/wordpress/hl-registration-page
For any questions, please contact us.
Thank you


Thank you for registering for Masters Lacrosse, based on lower than usual registration numbers likely related to returning from the pandemic, we are writing to provide an update about IMPORTANT changes for this House League season.
  • 39 players have registered in total, which will require a THREE (3) team format.
  • The THREE (3) team format cannot go on for 18 weeks, so we will be cutting the season down.
  • The season will still START on the same day Wednesday, April 20th (Day 1) at Nichols Arena.
  • The game times will be 8:00-9:00pm and/or 9:00-10:00pm every week.
  • After two weeks of pick up lacrosse to start, we will have 9 weeks of regular season. Once every 3 weeks, each team will have to play a double header (ie. Two games, back to back.). This will happen 3 times for each team. 
  • There will be no playoffs, best record takes bragging rights.
  • The season will now END on Wednesday, June 29th. Just in time for summer holidays.
  • The cost per player has been reduced to $175.00 / player total for the season, no tax.
To complete registration, please arrange payment of $175.00 by e-transfer to: LONDON MASTERS LACROSSE ASSOCIATION, payment@londonmasterslacrosse.com
In the notes section of the transfer, enter; MASTERS HL and ‘Name of Player’.
It will auto-deposit, no password required. A receipt confirmation will be sent back by e-mail once deposited.
Payment DUE DATE: this Friday, April 15th.
No cash, thank you.
* Players will NOT be allowed on the floor without payment being received, no exceptions.
We will accommodate friend requests to start the season but changes may be made to ensure fun back and forth lacrosse for all.
Since we have many new players, we are going to order some new shirts. We are hoping they will be ready soon. Just in case, please put both a ‘dark shirt’ and ‘light shirt’ in your equipment bag for week 1 and week 2. We will hand out the shirts once available, current target is May 4th.
You will need a helmet with metal from cage and chin cup strap, gloves, and lacrosse stick. Running shoes with good rubber on the bottom are suggested. You can wear any shorts you like.
Before coming to Day 1, please read the ‘Masters Rules’ on the website, left hand side menu.
For any questions, please contact me anytime.
Rob Ashmore  
London Masters Lacrosse