Jun 7th update – London Masters Lacrosse League v2.0 ( LMLL v2 )

We are on for tonight – and this will be a new phase ( v2.0 ) with Officiating!

We will get the game underway about 8:15 ( allowing for the floor to clear from minor, and warming up the twig )

There are a lot of people missing from the last couple of weeks! I know there are some injuries, work and priorities – but be great to see you back out

Reminder that a couple of people still need to hit me up for fees ( covering floor and refs and insurance etc )


Note: if we are going to be short refs or goalies moving forward – will certainly post/communicate prior to the night




EMT: payment(a)londonmasterslacrosse.com

London Masters Lacrosse House League – May 17th update – Goalie needed for tonight

We did manage to have a good evening last week despite the single goalie situation.  I got to take twice as many shots! ( I need the practice ) 

Today’s update ( as I sit in a hotel in Wisconsin ) 

Floor time is there for tonight – please avail yourselves of this time!



  • There have been discussion on formalizing teams and bringing in refs.  To that end I am going to be getting that squared for May 31st  ( thanks for Ron and Cutch for working with us to that end )
  • There have been comments on ‘ being on the same team’ from some people in the survey – certainly reiterate any thoughts there as I am going to try and get a ‘right/left’ balance and make a post of first swag at teams in next few days to that end




  • Need to have someone step in to slap on the goalie gear tonight ( as I am out of town ) – Matt M has the bucket and gear for tonight and has agreed to bring in – but need someone to put the stuff on!   There is uppers, pants, legs – with gloves and a stick in the bag- you would need to have the rest 

Thanks and have a good night tonight, and we will see you next week!