End of Season…

hey everyone,
first apologies – i was hoping to get together this week, but i had
something come up that i am unable to manage that.
next – my appreciation! – for all the people that did come out for the
last 2 weeks – I thought we had a couple of really good evenings, with
subs and full floor play.  I think that is something we can expand on
for sure!
So – looking to see what the next couple of weeks has for people to get
together – a few platters and such
Anyone that came out many times ( and thank you for those people ), to
those that came out once or a few times – or just didn’t get out due to ‘X’
would be great to come out for an evening and talk about what went well,
what didn’t and what we can do to get more people out next season
 for that – if you can click on the link and fill out a question or 2 –
so that I can some idea of numbers – I am thinking the Alibi

finishing the season…

I am hoping those that have not been out can commit to Aug 23rd!   looking to have as many people out as possible, with ref and clock

we have the floor until end of Aug – and been some die hards like myself out – but certainly be great to have more people out!!!