April 16 HL Startup

Kinsmen pads are ready for next week so we have 2 hours of floor time to do conditioning runs, wind sprints, work on stick issues, team tryouts, cuts, …. Yeah, right – maybe just setup some random teams to see if we can stumble down the floor a couple of times without having to break out the defibrillators and call 911!

London Masters HL 2014 Startup
Wednesday April 16, 2014
Kinsmen Arena 8:00pm-10:00pm.

If you have already registered show up at 8:00 ready to run. For the slackers that haven’t registered yet, show up at 8:00 with your chequebook and Russ will register you so you can run after the first batch of guys gets tired – probably 10 minutes in. Internet access will be available to complete online insurance registration which is required before you step on the floor.

See you all on Wednesday.
